We of course want every day during the summer to be beautiful, warm, and sunny, but there are times that Mother Nature has a mind of her own! Here are a few policy and procedures if there is Inclement Weather

  1. Always assume that Practice and/or a Swim Meet is ON as scheduled unless you hear otherwise.
  2. If there is inclement weather that will impact  PRACTICE:
    • You will receive an email from "Somerset Dolphins" via TeamUnify  at least one hour before practice or as soon as we know enough to send the information. In the email, the Head Coach will indicate if practice will be:
      • On as scheduled,
      • Delayed, or 
      • Canceled. 
    • If for some reason there is NO outgoing email, the second option will be to contact the Somerset Pool (301-951-1141) to check on the status of the pool’s closure. The lifeguards will most likely also know the status of swim team practice.
    • If the inclement weather starts during AM practice (8:30AM - 10:00AM) or PM practice (4:30PM-6:30PM), you should text the Head Coach to see if practice is canceled (Roger Dent - (516) 313-4679).
  3. If there is inclement weather that will impact SWIM MEETS, you will receive an email from "Somerset Dolphins" via TeamUnify at least one hour before the swim meet or as soon as we know enough to send the information. In the email, the Head Coach or a Team Rep will indicate if meet will be:
    • On as scheduled,
    • Delayed, or 
    • Canceled.  

If your child is at practice or at a meet and is too young to get home on his/her own, we ask that an adult be ready to pick the child up promptly in the event of a cancellation. 

Thank you for your patience while we build and promote our weather safety protocols.